2010 Georgia Southern Football Spring Coaches Clinic
April 8-10, 2010
Thursday, April 8
3-4 p.m. Check-in at Parrish Football Building
4-6 p.m. Practice open to visiting coaches
Friday, April 9
Film Rooms open to visiting coaches
8:30-10:30 a.m. Check-in at Parris Football Building
11 a.m. Strength Clinic with Tom Melton, Iron Works
2 p.m. Offensive Presentation with Offensive Coordinator Brent Davis
3 p.m. Defensive Presentation with Defensive Coordinator Brent Pry
4 p.m. Open Chalk Talk with Georgia Southern Coaching Staff
5 p.m. Social
6 p.m. Defensive Presentation with Georgia Southern Defensive Coach
7 p.m. Offensive Presentation with Georgia Southern Offensive Coach
8 p.m. Open Chalk Talk with Georgia Southern Coaching Staff
Saturday, April 10
8 a.m. Clinic with Coach Jeff Monken at Paulson Stadium
Continental Breakfast (provided)
9 a.m. Scrimmage at Paulson Stadium
Brochure available for download (below).
$40 per coach, pre-registered, pre-paid.
For more information, contact Vic Cabral at (912) 478-5522 or by fax at (912) 478-5059.
---Link to Clinic Info: http://www.georgiasoutherneagles.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=18700&KEY=&ATCLID=204892979
GSU Spring Football Clinic Flyer
I'm very excited that the Triple Option is making a well-deserved return to Statesboro. I can't wait to see what these guys can do!
Coach Smith
2010 Georgia Southern Football Spring Coaches Clinic
April 8-10, 2010
Thursday, April 8
3-4 p.m. Check-in at Parrish Football Building
4-6 p.m. Practice open to visiting coaches
Friday, April 9
Film Rooms open to visiting coaches
8:30-10:30 a.m. Check-in at Parris Football Building
11 a.m. Strength Clinic with Tom Melton, Iron Works
2 p.m. Offensive Presentation with Offensive Coordinator Brent Davis
3 p.m. Defensive Presentation with Defensive Coordinator Brent Pry
4 p.m. Open Chalk Talk with Georgia Southern Coaching Staff
5 p.m. Social
6 p.m. Defensive Presentation with Georgia Southern Defensive Coach
7 p.m. Offensive Presentation with Georgia Southern Offensive Coach
8 p.m. Open Chalk Talk with Georgia Southern Coaching Staff
Saturday, April 10
8 a.m. Clinic with Coach Jeff Monken at Paulson Stadium
Continental Breakfast (provided)
9 a.m. Scrimmage at Paulson Stadium
Brochure available for download (below).
$40 per coach, pre-registered, pre-paid.
For more information, contact Vic Cabral at (912) 478-5522 or by fax at (912) 478-5059.
---Link to Clinic Info: http://www.georgiasoutherneagles.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=18700&KEY=&ATCLID=204892979
GSU Spring Football Clinic Flyer
I'm very excited that the Triple Option is making a well-deserved return to Statesboro. I can't wait to see what these guys can do!
Coach Smith