Over on Rolling Thunder's Message Board, the question was posed on how to attack the Split 6 defense. This particular defense has 3 technique defensive tackles, 7 technique defensive ends, and Inside Linbackers stacked over the 3 techniques.
I sat down and thought about this defense for a while. Below is the reply I came up with - perhaps others will comment as well.
Coach, we like to run midline at a 3 tech if possible.
also, any 44-style defense has trouble covering the flat in play action... I like a 12 yard In/Curl by the Flanker with the TE running a flat route underneath off play action off veer action...
Twins and Twins-Open might make the OLBs widen... if not, work the 3 step game... 5 yard hitches with automatic fades if the CB aligns 5 yards or closer...
Lead Option might help the LB/3 Tech stunts:
The backside Seam or Post off play action to the Te or SE can be a good call vs. a cover 3 FS that wants to be an alley player for the option...
The Crazy or Spinner Option could trap that 7 tech...
the handback trap ran to the 7 tech might not be too bad a play - seems like JT Curtis runs something like that...
Just some ideas, Coach. Ideally, you will get them out of 8 in the box by offensive alignment and run your veer... but if you can't... vs. stack defenses, I think it can help to switch over to more double options like Midline, Speed, and Lead to help account for possible gap exchanges that might mess up veer reads and blocking assignments.
Coach Smith