Here are some things which might help when confronted with a 52 defense.
Try the 2 TE set first and see what they do. One thing I've noticed, a lot of DC's hate a balanced front... they want to shade thier guys this way and that way and need that 'ol tight end most times to get that strength call. All this makes me want to give a dose of two tights and see if they'll balance up for you. If they inisist on treating one side as the strength (to the field, for example) you will just have to "insist" on running weak and having a numbers advantage. It can end up being just that simple. Having two tights makes it so much easier for me as well because it makes the defense easier to read... you can tell what they are trying to do to you. I also like no tight end sets for similar reasons. Put a big defensive end out on an island (Yes, like Gilligan, Coach R!) and watch how unconfortable a lot of 'em get playing out in space. This also allows you to make some easy reads as a playcaller as well... Hmmmmmmmm... eight in the box... better run the bubble screen to the twins... now the hitch to the SE... LB's walking out into the hook-to-flat zone? Now they've loosened up for ISV, Midline, and inside trap. Who sez ya gotta be an offensive genius to move the football? Me, like the song sez, I "Dare to be Stupid."
The OSV begins with the double team playside between the TE and psT. When in doubt, Double! The perfect block for me harkens back to my Wyatt Double Wing days: Get the DT on roller skates and run his a$$ back into the ILB. This ends the discussion right there. If the TE "sees" nothing but the psT's back, then he releases upfield (but not inside!) to cut off the ILB. Next consideration is the noseguard. If he's shaded to the play, we double and hope the psG can release for offside ILB... no big deal if he can't- it just looks better that way on paper. If your C can handle the NG, then sned the psG on a good angle for the offside ILB and scoop the noseguard with the C and offside G. This will give whoever gets the ball on heck of an escort towards the goal line. Offside T and TE inside release to second and third levels with good cut-off angles. BTW, WE NEVER LET A MAN CROSS OUR FACE UNBLOCKED (or at least we're not supposed to!)
Backfield coaching points. PsHB is aiming at inside foot of psT and is trying to "beat" the QB to the hole. You must hit it fast or a good DE will play the dive and keep and mess up the play. You gotta make him choose. Failure to do this will cause hats to fly, clipboards to break, and neccessitate (sp?) expensive repairs to headsets. Trust me on this one.
The QB steps out and up into the LOS and points the ball right at the read. If the DE takes dive, he may have to step around the collision, but preach against "jumping the hump." Keep him straight towards the veer lane. The pitch back keeps his pitch relationship on the way to the CB. 99% of the time, I give the flanker a "crack" call to have him block next DB inside. I think this gives him better timing for the play and helps block for the HB if you're getting a lot of "give" reads. This also makes the CB the pitch read to either side if you're into that symmetry thing.
Hope this helps your execution of the outside veer... arguably the best play in football! (or at least in the top 100)
Coach Smith
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