Thursday, January 14, 2010

University of Tennessee Students Show Their Displeasure

University of Tennessee Students are shown here running to the athletic offices to barricade the junior Kiffin inside and slow his departure from Rocky Top for a couple of hours...
Not a riot so much as an intense bitch session/party. Not much exscuse is needed in Knoxville for the latter, I can attest to that.

I remember helping to instigate a 1,500-strong snowball fight that eventually brought in about 50 Knoxville City and Highway Patrol cruisers onto campus... which proceeded to do the smart thing and simply keep us corralled on the intramural fields until we tired and dispersed. Good times.

Gee, it would have been sweet if they could have talked the Air Force coach into coming...

is it too late to hope the UT Learjet makes it's way to Annapolis?

Coach Smith

Update, Thursday evening, Jan 14
"Duke head coach David Cutcliffe will be named Tennessee’s next head coach barring a last-second snag in negotiations, a source told the News Sentinel."
Cutcliffe would be a wise choice.

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